Surgical Treatments – Blogs

[hfe_template id='21749']1 IN 20 WOMEN HAVE TUBEROUS BREASTS Tuberous breast are a breast type, which develops during puberty. There are no medical implications caused by tubular breast shapes, therefore no need to be alarmed if this post relates to you! Tubular breasts, also known as tuberous breasts,...

[hfe_template id='21749']Why I decided to have breast augmentation surgeryI was always insecure about the size of my breasts. I would always go back and forth about having surgery and not. Then I started working at One Cosmetic and seeing all the amazing results achieved by...

[hfe_template id='21749'] What is the difference between round and anatomical breast implants? When deciding what implants to choose, there are a few factors you need to consider. Breast implants differ in size, texture, profile and shape. During your consultation your surgeon will carry out a physical examination of...